Below javascript functions will definitely useful to validate html elements in our web page.
/* return a string where left & right spaces are removed */
function trim(s){ return s.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,”"); }
/* true if ’s’ is a 4 digit year, false if not */
function isYear(s){ return (^\d{4}$/) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is empty, false if not */
function isEmpty(s){ return (trim(s).length > 0) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is a valid email address, false if not */
function isEmail(s){ return (trim(s).search(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is in date format, false if not! ex: 01-01-2004, 1-1-2004, 01-1-2004 - all valid format */
function isDateFormat(s){ return (trim(s).search(/^(\d{1,2})(-)(\d{1,2})(-)(\d{4}$)/) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is a valid date value, false if not */
function isDateValid (s){
var ar = s.split(”-”);
var m = parseInt(ar[0],10) - 1, d = parseInt(ar[1],10), y = parseInt(ar[2],10);
var dD = new Date(y,m,d);
return ((d==dD.getDate()) && (m==dD.getMonth()) && (y==dD.getFullYear()));
/* true if ’s’ is a number (w/ or w/out unary +/-, w/ or w/out a dot), false if not! ex: 100, 10., 100.99 */
function isNumber(s){ return (trim(s).search(/^([+-]{0,1}\d{1,}([.]{0,1}\d*)*)$/) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is a whole number (w/ or w/out unary +/- symbol), false if not */
function isWholeNumber(s){ return (trim(s).search(/^([+-](\d+)|(\d+))$/) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is valid password (only all of these [0-9,a-z,A-Z,_-]), false if not. */
function isPasswordCombinationValid(s){
if(^([-_a-z\d]+)$/i) == -1) return false; /* only these [0-9,a-z,A-Z,_-] */
if([a-z]/i) == -1) return false; /* letters */
if(\d/) == -1) return false; /* digits */
if([-_]/) == -1) return false; /* _ & - */
return true;
/* true if ’s’ is a valid user id (only any combination of these [0-9,a-z,A-Z,_]), false if not */
function isUserIdCombinationValid(s){ return (^([_a-z\d]+)$/i) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is in the format (99)999-999 */
function isTel_Fax(s){ return (^([(])(\d{1,2})([)])(\d{3,3})(-)(\d{4,4})/) == -1) ? false:true; }
/* true if ’s’ is a valid program code (only any combination of these [0-9,a-z,A-Z,_]), false if not */
function isProgCodeCombinationValid(s){ return (^([_a-z\d]+)$/i) == -1) ? false:true; }
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009 in IE is not working?
Here is the simple solution to solve this issue. This is kind of typo issue. IE doesnt accept to use white spaces on title in the method.
For eg:
-------"","Rails Thinkers Page");
This should be..."","Rails_Thinkers_Page");
Lets Keep on upgrade... dont waste your precious time
For eg:
-------"","Rails Thinkers Page");
This should be..."","Rails_Thinkers_Page");
Lets Keep on upgrade... dont waste your precious time
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